Funding Opportunities

2024 ESG Grant Competition Information

CFHCoC 2024 ESG Application Timeline

Screenshot 2024-06-20 114201

NC DHHS Request for Applications
ESG FY23-24 Public Notification

On Tuesday, June 11th, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) post its public notice requesting applications for Emergency Solutions Grant funding. The CFHCoC had posted the anticipated timeline on June 16th. All agencies interested in applying must read the announcement, timeline and other information provided by the NC DHHS and the CFHCoC.


NC DHHS Grant Applications
ESG FY23-24 Public Notification

NC DHHS has published the FY24-25 Grant Application for use by Applicants applying for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Funding. Completed Granted applications are due to the CFHCoC by July 14th for review and scoring. 

Applicants who did not apply for or did not receive funding in the FY23-24 competition are considered new applicants, even if they applied in the past and were funded. Applicants who were funded in the FY23-24 competition are returning applicants.

The application is broken into sections. All applicants may apply for multiple projects on one application. The Ranking Committee will evaluate each project including on an application.

Link to ESG Application Information:

ESG FY24-25_Application Information

Links to Applications:

ESG FY24-25 New Applicant Application

ESG FY24-25 Returning Applicant Application

Be sure to review the 2024 ESG Applicant Document Checklist and Instructions posted separately on this web page to ensure your organization submits all documents/forms required by the CoC's Ranking Committee.

Links to additional required forms:

Project Application Budget Worksheet

Agency Release of Information Form


  • 2024 ESG Applicant Document Submission Instructions and Checklist

    The 2024 ESG Applicant Document Submission Instructions and Checklist applies to all applicants, new and returning.

  • FY24-25 Returning Applicant Scorecard CFHCOC

    The Returning Applicant Scorecard is for currently funded applicants who are requesting funding. 

  • FY24-25 New Applicant Scorecard CFHCoC

    The New Applicant Scorecard is for applicants who have not received ESG grant funding in the last year.

  • NC 506 Written Standards CFHCoC Approved 6.15.23

    The NC 506 Written Standards describes CoC policies for programs funded within both the ESG and CoC Grant Competitions. Successful applicants will describe projects that adhere to the written standards both in the application and in the Project Operations Manual.


ESG FY24-25 Public Notification


Continuum of Care NC ESG
Fair Share
Emergency Services
-Street Outreach & Emergency Shelter-
(60% max.)
Housing Stability
-Homelessness Prevention, RRH & HMIS- (40% min.)
NC-506 CFHCoC $161,295 $96,777 $64,518

2023 ESG Grant Competition Information

CFHCoC Board Approved ESG Applicant Rankings and Funding Recommendations - Amended 8/10/23

CoC Ranking Committee Amended Final Recommendations 8.10.23

Initial ESG Applicant Rankings and Funding Recommendations

Public Notice of Initial Ranking and Funding Recommendations 2023

2023 Final Ranking of HUD CoC Applications and Funding Recommendations to be presented to the CFHCoC Board of Directors on 9/21/2023

CFHCoC Board of Directors Approves Applications for 2023 HUD CoC Grant Competition


On Thursday, 9/21/23, the CFHCoC Board of Directors approved the applications listed below for the 2023 HUD CoC Grant Competition:

2023 HUD CoC Collaborative Application

CHC HUD Horizon Housing Renewal Grant

CHC Horizon Housing Expansion Grant

GSC PSH Renewal Grant

GSC New PSH Grant

CFCOG Renewal CE/HMIS Grant


The total amount of funding requested from HUD is $511,874, including CoC Bonus funding. There were no applications for DV Bonus funding. The amounts approved were posted at the end of last week on this web page and may still be found below this post.


2023 HUD CoC Grant Competition Information

Final Ranking and Funding Recommendations 2023-09-16 101604
Notification of the above Rankings were sent to applicants. Appeals were due to the committee by CoB on 9/8/23. As of that date, no applicants appealed the ranking.
Notification of the above Rankings were sent to applicants. Appeals were due to the committee by CoB on 9/8/23. As of that date, no applicants appealed the ranking.
HUD CoC Application Process Timeline rev. 8.22.23

CFHCoC Board of Director's Approved 2023 Application Process Documents 8.10.23

Tools for the 2023 HUD CoC Grant Competition

eSNAPS Access Link for new Users to create a profile

The following information will help you understand the CoC's Grant Competition Processes:

CFHCoC Rating-Ranking-Reallocation Plan

NC 506 Written Standards (2023)

The following information will help you understand HUD scoring as it relates to data and system performance.  It relates back to information in the NOFO.

2023 HUD Competition Report for NC 506

2023 ARD Rpt for Website

FY 2023 Continuum of Care Notice of Funding Availability 

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) has posted the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care Competition and the Renewal Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program grants on and will be available on the Funding Opportunities page on HUD’s website later today. Additional resources will be available on the Continuum of Care Program Competition page of HUD’s website.  

The CoC Application, CoC Priority Listing, and Project Applications should be available in e-snaps this month. Collaborative Applicants and project applicants will be able to access the applications to review, update, and enter required information for the application process.    

Submission Deadline: Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 8:00 PM EDT