NC 210 East Coast Greenway Feasibility Study
The NC-210 Feasibility Study corridor is a 16.2-mile corridor in Pender County connecting existing park trails in the Holly Shelter Game Land and North Topsail Beach.
This plan will determine the feasibility of constructing the East Coast Greenway (ECG) from the Nelva R. Albury Recreation Area in Surf City (at the intersection of NC 210 and Broadway Street) to the intersection of US 17 and SR 1565 (Country Club Drive), primarily along the East Coast Greenway proposed corridor.
The study team will evaluate the corridor’s potential to create dedicated biking and/or walking facilities as part of the ECG system that is physically separated from the roadway.
The NC-210 Feasibility Study will include:
- Existing conditions analysis.
- Alternatives development, including analysis of natural and human environmental constraints, along the East Coast Greenway proposed corridor and along potential alternate routes.
- Stakeholder and public engagement to determine known constraints, gauge public support for the project, and help select a preferred alternative.
- Development of a final study document.
Project Schedule
Survey Link:
The purpose of the survey is to:
- Introduce the NC 210 ECG Feasibility Study and gauge public support.
- Solicit and compile public comment on destinations, opportunities and challenges, user preferences, and route preferences.
- Fulfill requests for information.
- Develop an email contact list of interested parties.
The survey will be open for public comment through Friday, August 5, 2022
A report of the Survey results can be viewed here:
Steering Committee Meeting #1 - Project Kick-Off & Study Considerations
June 13, 2022
NC210-EG Steering Committee Mtg No1 Presentation
Steering Committee Meeting #2 - Route Development & Route Selection Criteria
August 24, 2022
NC210-ECG_Steering Committee Mtg 2 Presentation
Steering Committee Meeting #3 - Study Recommendations
October 26, 2022
NC210-ECG_Steering Committee Mtg 3 Presentation
Steering Committee Meeting #4 - Draft Study Review
Winter, 2022/2023 (Date TBD)
Public Meetings
Community Input Meeting #1 - Study Considerations & Recommendations
November 14, 2022
Surf City Town Hall - 214 Florence Way, Hampstead, NC 28443
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
The purpose of the public meeting is:
- Review and discussion of community and stakeholder input to date.
- Review of route selection criteria and decision matrix.
- Review of recommended route alignments.
- Review of typical cross sections, intersection treatments, and design considerations.
- Review of policy + maintenance recommendations.
To leave a comment on the public meeting materials click here
Community Input Meeting #2 - Draft Study Review
February 21, 2023
Surf City Town Hall - 214 Florence Way, Hampstead, NC 28443
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
The purpose of the public meeting is:
- Review and discussion of community and stakeholder input to date.
- Review of the preferred route and associated cut sheets.
- Review of preliminary cost estimates for the route segments.
The draft Feasibility Study is expected to be ready for review by December 2022/January 2023.