Cape Fear Rural Transportation Planning Organization
Cape Fear Rural Transportation Planning Organization
The Cape Fear Rural Transportation Planning Organization (RPO) is one of eighteen multi-county rural transportation planning organizations chartered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). The Cape Fear RPO was established in 2001 through a memorandum of understanding between NCDOT, Brunswick, Columbus, and Pender counties, and the Cape Fear Council of Governments. The RPO serves as the intergovernmental organization for local elected officials, NCDOT, and residents of the region to work cooperatively to address transportation issues within the Cape Fear RPO boundary (see map below).
The goals and duties of the RPO are to:
- Develop long-range local and regional transportation plans across all modes in cooperation with other area planning organizations and NCDOT;
- Provide a forum for public participation in the rural transportation planning process;
- Develop and prioritize transportation projects which the RPO believes should be included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP);
- Provide transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations and persons; and
- Conduct transportation related studies and surveys for local governments and other interested entities/organizations.
The governing board of the Cape Fear RPO is the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC), a board of county and municipal elected officials from the RPO counties. The RTAC holds 5-6 meetings per year, as does the Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC), a committee of staff representatives from the RPO counties, municipalities, rural transit systems, Cape Fear Council of Governments, and NCDOT that provides technical recommendations to the governing board.
2025 Meeting Schedule
RTCC (Technical Coordinating Committee) | RTAC (Transportation Advisory Committee) |
Wednesday, February 5th | Friday, February 14th |
Wednesday, April 2nd | Friday, April 11th |
Wednesday, June 4th | Friday, June 20th |
Wednesday, August 6th | Friday, August 15th |
Wednesday, October 1st | Friday, October 17th |
Wednesday, November 5th | Friday, November 14th |