Cape Fear RPO Transportation Plans

The goal of long-range transportation planning is to identify a community's future transportation needs and to propose solutions to serve those needs.

Comprehensive Transportation Plans (CTPs) are developed jointly among NCDOT's Transportation Planning Branch, the Cape Fear RPO, and local stakeholders.  CTP recommendations typically form the basis for transportation projects that compete for funding through NCDOT's prioritization process.

Bicycle and pedestrian plans are typically developed by local governments, often with NCDOT funding and often with the assistance of a consultant and/or the Cape Fear RPO. Recommendations may be implemented by NCDOT, by the locality, or through the development approval process.

Brunswick County

Brunswick County CTP 

The Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) is a long-range plan which identifies major transportation improvement needs and develops long term solutions for the next 25-30 years. The CTP study involves both government officials and the public to determine the area's future transportation needs based on the best information available including, but not limited to, population, economic conditions, traffic trends and patterns of land development in the county.

NC 211 East Coast Greenway Feasibility Study

The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of bicycle and pedestrian facilities along the NC 211 corridor (Southport-Supply Road) and to develop an implementation plan that fits the overall vision of incorporating alternative modes of transportation in southeastern North Carolina. This study also considers the overarching goal of connecting the East Coast Greenway (ECG) through coastal North Carolina.

Boiling Spring Lakes Pedestrian Plan 

The purpose of this plan is to evaluate the existing pedestrian conditions within the City of Boiling Spring Lakes and recommend programmatic and infrastructure projects to improve safety, connectivity, and well-being.

Oak Island Bicycle Transportation Plan 

The purpose of this plan is to outline current bicycling conditions, a future bicycle network plan, program and policy recommendations, and an implementation strategy to achieve the Town of Oak Island's vision of a safe and effective system of bicycle facilities.

Southport Pedestrian Transportation Plan  

This purpose of this plan is to produce a set of recommendations for policy changes, education opportunities, pedestrian facilities, and priority projects intended to increase walkability in the City of Southport.


Columbus County
Pender County