Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibits discrimination based upon race, color, and national origin. Specifically, 42 USC 2000d states that “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” The use of the word “person” is important as the protections afforded under Title VI apply to anyone, regardless of whether the individual is lawfully present in the United States or a citizen of a State within the United States. In addition to Title VI, there are other Nondiscrimination statutes that afford legal protection. These statutes include the following: Section 162 (a) of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 (23 USC 324) (sex), Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (age), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973/Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (disability).

As a recipient of FHWA State Planning & Research (SPR) funds, the Cape Fear RPO must comply with Title VI and ensure Federal funds are not used in a discriminatory manner.  In an effort to ensure compliance, the following map uses US Census Bureau data as a means of collecting and reporting Title VI data (race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, etc.).

Title VI complaints should be directed to Sam Boswell, Director of the Cape Fear RPO and its Title VI Coordinator.  Additional information about the Cape Fear RPO's Title VI program will be provided as available.

Sam Boswell

RPO Director
(910) 395-4553, Ext. 214
[email protected]

News & Announcements

Cape Fear RTAC Meeting Friday, June 14, 2024

June 7, 2024

The governing board of the Cape Fear RPO, the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC), will meet on Friday, June 14th at 9:00 AM at the Cape Fear Council of Governments office (1480 Harbour… Read more »

Cape Fear RPO RTAC Meeting Friday, April 12, 2024

April 2, 2024

The governing board of the Cape Fear RPO, the Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC), will meet on Friday, April 12th at 9:00 AM at the Cape Fear Council of Governments office (1480 Harbour Drive)… Read more »

February RTAC Meeting Postponed

February 15, 2024

The Cape Fear RTAC meeting that was scheduled for Friday, Feb. 16 has been postponed and rescheduled for Friday, March 15. An updated agenda packet will be available online closer… Read more »

Cape Fear RPO 2024 Meeting Schedule

December 6, 2023

The Rural Transportation Advisory Committee (RTAC) of the Cape Fear RPO has approved the RPO’s 2024 Meeting Schedule, which is now posted online. Specific meeting materials (agendas, packets, minutes, etc.)… Read more »

Cape Fear RPO RTCC meeting Wednesday, August 4, 2021

July 28, 2021

The Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC) of the Cape Fear Rural Transportation Planning Organization (RPO) will meet on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 10:00 AM in room 207 at the… Read more »

Cape Fear Council of Governments NC 210 East Coast Greenway Feasibility Study RFLOI

May 28, 2020

The Cape Fear Council of Governments is looking for an NCDOT-prequalified consultant to develop a Feasibility Study to determine the potential to construct the East Coast Greenway from the Nelva… Read more »