Management Services
The Cape Fear Council of Governments offers comprehensive support to local government members, providing expertise and resources to enhance management and administration. Our services include professional administration, confidential consultation, and various support areas such as personnel and human resources, grants administration, and strategic planning. With a wealth of experience, our team is equipped to assist with diverse needs and challenges faced by both elected and appointed leaders.
- Conflict Resolution / Mitigation
- Confidential Management Consultation
- Elected/Appointed Board Training
- Fiscal Control / Budgeting Consult
- General Local Government Administration Consult
- Grants Administration
- Grant Identification
- Personnel and Human Resources
- Preparing Personnel Policy Rewrites
- Comparative Salary Studies
- Professional Administration
- Resource Development
- Strategic Planning / Budget Retreats
- Utility Asset Management Plans
Networking & Forums
The Cape Fear Council of Governments hosts quarterly forums for both managers and clerks. These forums provide valuable opportunities for networking, updates on upcoming training seminars, and information about the Cape Fear Region.