
Town of Bolivia

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Please contact the unit of government to confirm any information found on this page prior to relying on it.

105 Danford Road

P.O. Box 93

Boiliva, NC 28422-0093

910-253-5303 • 910-253-8066 (F)

Business Hours: Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Mayor Ella Jane Marston

(CFCOG Delegate)

Term expires December 2021

89 Wilson Street Northeast

Bolivia, NC 28422-8649

910-253-5042 (H)

[email protected]

Mayor Pro-Tem Dewey Smith

Term expires December 2021

53 Wilson Street

Bolivia, NC 28422-8648

910-253-6912 (H)


Alderman Teresa Mercer

Term expires December 2021

65 Wilson Street Northeast

Bolivia, NC 28422-8649

910-850-3786 (M)


Alderwoman Kaitlyn Jackson

Term expires December 2021

10 Cox Street

Bolivia, NC 28422-8958

910-286-9487 (M)


Alderwoman Nancy Cook

Term expires December 2021

P.O. Box 69

Bolivia, NC 28422-0069

401-783-3562 (M)



Town Clerk/Planning, Mary Etta Hewett

910-253-5303 • [email protected]


Aldermen meet the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Bolivia Town Hall.

Mayor serves 2-year term; Aldermen serve 2-year term and Mayor Pro-Tem is appointed each year.