Community Resource Information


Experiencing Homelessness? Call Coordinated Entry


What is Coordinated Entry?

It is a centralized system for accessing housing-focused homeless services in our region. This is a first step in helping families and individuals experiencing homelessness obtain housing services in our area.

When is Coordinated Entry Available?

Monday / Wednesday / Friday : 10am - 7pm

Tuesday / Thursday : 4pm - 7pm

Please note that with the exception of Emergency Shelter Services, members of our community who are experiencing homelessness should contact our Coordinated Entry Staff to speak with someone about housing related services at the number listed above.

If you need an emergency shelter, you can contact the area shelters directly, then contact our Coordinated Entry staff for a needs assessment and assistance.

Community Resources

FFM Day Shelter
GSC 2022 Day Shelter Info

Fleeing Domestic Violence?

Call Domestic Violence Shelter & Services Hotline: 910.343.0703


Fleeing Sex Trafficking or Sexual Exploitation?

Call this toll-free, anonymous hotline: 855.723.7529

PHP HOP Enrollment

Here are the health plan numbers you, or the Medicaid beneficiary can call:

AmeriHealth: 888-738-0004

Carolina Complete: 888-522-3876

Healthy Blue: 844-594-5072

United Healthcare: 800-638-3302

WellCare: 866-799-5318


Although the Cape Fear Council of Governments (CFCOG) website may provide resources and include links providing direct access to other internet resources, including Websites, CFCOG is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites. While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this Website is correct, complete and up-to-date.

Disclaimer: This is a curated list of resources. CFCOG does not add any external links or outside resources to this page.