Posted by & filed under Cape Fear RPO, Regional Bike Plan, Regional Planning, RFP.

The Cape Fear Council of Governments (CFCOG) is seeking the professional planning services of a qualified consultant to develop a Cape Fear Regional Bicycle Plan. The Project is funded by a grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation (DBPT) and will be administered by the CFCOG. The Project covers Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover, and Pender Counties and parts of Bladen, Onslow and Sampson Counties. The Project shall focus on transportation facilities but should also include connections to existing or potential recreational bicycle resources and other points of interest. The overall goal of the Project is to provide a framework for NCDOT and local governments to enhance bicycling as a mode of transportation for residents and visitors alike, improving access, connectivity, and safety. Additional goals may include promoting healthy active lifestyles, diversifying the regional economy, developing tourism resources, and promoting the region as a destination. The RFP can be found here — Cape Fear Regional Bike Plan RFP (PDF).

Please submit four copies (mailed or delivered) of the proposal to:

Cape Fear Council of Governments
ATTN: James Burke
1480 Harbour Drive
Wilmington, NC 28401

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